52 Whitney Street Nashua,NH 03064
Email: Office@tollesstreetmission.org
Office: 603-880-4984
Mobile: 603-213-4863
Fax: 603-880-1726

Volunteer programs
The Food Pantry is open every
Monday and Thursday
Noon to 2:00 PM.
Church Service
Sundays at
11:00 AM
*face covering is required.
Our food pantry is a bustling, friendly place! The food pantry distributes food on Mondays & Thursdays 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM,
Volunteers help to sort fresh fruits and vegetables, pack and distribute food items to our neighbors who use the pantry, helping them to carry bags to their vehicles, and cleaning up at the end of the day. We love and care for the people we serve.
If you are interested
in volunteering your time
please call us at
Special Event Volunteers
For over 30 years The Tolles Street Mission has hosted four major outreaches.
Easter: Fill and distribute 100 food bags
Thanksgiving: Fill and distribute 250 food bags with Turkeys
Christmas: Fill and distribute 150 Christmas food bags and host a Christmas Party for 200 at The Boys & Girls Club of Nashua.
We need volunteers to help us during all our outreaches. Please call if you would like to volunteer for these outreaches.
Community Service
We are open to those who are required to do court ordered community service. People ordered to do community service must call 603-880-4984 and bring court paperwork showing how many hours are needed and the reason for the community service.